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CCAMR is a private, non-profit organization that issues mini-grants between $100 and $2,000 to adults with intellectual disability in order to fulfill our mission statement – to enrich the lives of adults with intellectual disabilities. CCAMR is run by a board of directors comprised of community members who support and have made a commitment to the group's mission.


Personalized mini grants are available for adults (ages 18 and older) with intellectual disability who live in Champaign County. The purpose of the grants is to provide funds to individuals who do not have other financial resources to engage in specific activities or to purchase needed items that will enrich their lives and quality of life. CCAMR has a rich history of providing service and supports to individuals with intellectual disability with the following guiding principles:

  • (a) individuals should be treated with the dignity and respect deserved by all people, and should experience the rewards and trials of participating in the community;

  • (b) individuals should be able to make choices about where to work, live, and spend personal time;

  • (c) individuals should be responsible for and have major input into planning their own future.


Our Mission

Champaign Community Advocacy and Mentoring Resources is dedicated to providing advocacy and supports that will contribute to improving the quality of lives and independence of adults with intellectual disability. 

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